SVIN23 Annual Meeting - November 16-18, 2023 - Fontainebleau Miami Beach - Miami Beach, FL

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November 16 | November 17 | November 18

Friday, November 17

The exhibit hall will be open during the following times on this day: 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., 11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m., 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., and 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.. All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time.

Time Session Title
6:15 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.

BEFAST 5k Wellness Fun Run

(Optional Event, Pre-Registration is Required)  

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

201, 202 - Breakfast Symposia

Exhibit Hall Open

8:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 211 - General Session
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
Click Here for Detailed Speaker & Session Info From 10:30 - 11:30
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 221 - SVINnovation in Neurotechnology 222 -  SVINnovating Systems of Care: Transforming Old Diseases with Innovative Strategies

243 - Managing Coding & Reimbursement Challenges in Neuroendovascular Surgery Workshop

11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

231, 232, 233 - Lunch Symposia

Exhibit Hall Open 

Click Here for Detailed Speaker & Session Info From 1:30 - 5:15
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 241 - SVINsights Session 1 242 - SVINnovation in Technique

223 - SPEED EMS Workshop


2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 251 - SVIN US: Joint SVIN - AHA Debate Session 252 - SVIN - Nightmares Summit 253 - Neurosonology Certification Workshop
4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. 261 - SVIN GAMES Scientific Games Session  262 - SVINnovation Beyond Pathophysiology: Transcend the Disease
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 271 - Reception in Exhibit Hall

DEI/WIN Specialty Focus

Poster Presentations

Session Details

Breakfast Symposia

7:30-8:00 AM
Let's talk data: Power of Registries
Santiago Ortega-Gutierrez, MD, MSc, FSVIN
Sponsored by Medtronic

8:00-8:30 AM
IV Antiplatelet Therapy in ICAD or Tandem LVO: the CLASS trial protocol
Thanh N. Nguyen, MD, FRCPc, FSVIN, FAHA
Sponsored by Chiesi

211 - General Session and Abstracts

P. Roc Chen, MD - "SEGA – Sedation versus General Anesthesia for Endovascular Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke"
Christopher Favilla, MD - "Microvascular reperfusion during endovascular therapy: the balance of supply and demand"
Amir Molaie, MD - "Examining Pulling Force Using Combined Stentreiver and Aspiration Technique in a Medium Vessel Thrombectomy Model"

221 - SVINnovation in Neurotechnology: Shaping the Future

Session Date and Time: Friday, November 17, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. EST

Alhamza Al-Bayati, MD
Laura Stone McGuire, MD 
Rafael Ortiz, MD

Alim Mitha, MD, SM, FRCSC - “3D Printed FDS / Biodegradable FDS”
Shashvat Desai, MD - “Cost effective Technology”
Luis Savastano, MD, PhD - “Innovative technology for intravascular imaging and its application in stroke treatment and atherosclerotic disease”
Tom Oxley, MBBS, BMedSc, FRACP, PhD - "Intraarterial neuromodulation and MMM"
Gabor Toth, MD, FAHA, FSVIN - “Magnetically Controlled Microcatheters”
Jan-Karl Burkhardt, MD - “Venous Embolization approaches to dural AVF”

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222 - SVINnovating Systems of Care: Transforming Old Diseases with Innovative Strategies

Session Date and Time: Friday, November 17, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. EST

Ji Chong, MD
Diogo Hausen, MD
Bharat Pillai , MD

Johanna Fifi, MD, FSVIN - “CVST Reperfusion”
Brijesh Mehta, MD - "Emergent Integration of EMS and Prehospital Technology"
Shadi Yaghi, MD - "Perfusion Guided ICAD Interventions"
Kimon Bekelis, MD, FAAN, FACS, FAHA - “Portable Imaging technology ( MRI / CT Scan) - Read to Treat”
Joshua Willey - "Revolutionizing Stroke Care: From Smart Apps, Artificial Intelligence to Remote Robotic Interventions"
Radoslav Raychev, MD - "Artificial intelligence for autonomous detection of stroke symptoms"

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Lunch Symposia

11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Evolution of my flow diversion practice with Surpass Evolve® Flow Diverter
Italo Linfante, MD, FAHA, FSVIN
Raul G. Nogueira, MD, FAHA, FSVIN
Sponsored by Stryker

12:15-12:45 PM
Advancing your stroke practice with the latest innovations in patient care
Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD, FSVIN
Sponsored by CERENOVUS

12:45-1:15 PM
Versatility with BMX81 7F Access and SENDit for Speed
Arthur Wang, Srikanth Boddu, and Priyank Khandelwal
Sponsored by Penumbra

223 - SPEED Session - Advances in Pre-Hospital Stroke Care

Session Date and Time: Friday, November 17, 2023 from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EST

James Woodson - "Pre-hospital technologies for large vessel occlusion (LVO) detection, triage, feedback"
Brijesh P Mehta - "Role of artificial intelligence and virtual training"
Peter Antevy - "EMS Stroke Coalition-building and Data Transparency - The Florida Stroke Registry"
Josh Hartman - "SVIN-EMS World Survey Results on the State of Stroke Education for Paramedics"
James DiClemente - "Strategies for Improving EMS Education"

  • Panel Discussion:
  • Kaiz Asif
  • May Nour
  • Robin Novakovic
  • Brijesh P Mehta

241 - SVINsights

Session Date and Time: Friday, November 17, 2023 from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EST

Alica Ma
Amer Malik, MD, FSVIN
Jared Cooper, MD 

Demetrius Lopes, MD - "Back so soon: Understanding Hospital Readmissions"
Bay Leslie-Mazwi, MD - “Breaking bad news to families”
Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD, FSVIN - "In defense of our Special Stroke poulations"
Tudor Jovin, MD, FSVIN - "Neuroendovasacular Surgery in the age of ChatGPT: What does the future entail? "
Michael Froehler, MD - "The intersection of Physics and Neuroendovascular Surgery: Insights of an Early Adopter"

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242 - SVINnovation in Technique

Session Date and Time: Friday, November 17, 2023 from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EST

Fazeel Siddiqui, MD
Santiago Ortega-Guiterrez, MD, MSc, FSVIN

Brian Jankowitz, MD - "Advances in flow diversion techniques"
Visish Srinivasan, MD - “Direct Puncture CCF”
Farhan Siddiq, MD, FSVIN - "Innovations in Carotid Artery Revascularization: From Dotter to Lithotripsy"
Arthur Wang - "Move over X-Ray Men, here comes Magneto : Swarming self-adhesive microgels enabled aneurysm on-demand embolization in physiological blood flow"
Srikanth Reddy Boddu, MD - “Techniques in IIH”
Chander Sadasivan, PhD - “Topology optimization to design patient-matched brain aneurysm implants for 3D printing at point of care”

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251 - SVIN US: Joint SVIN - AHA Debate Session

Session Date and Time: Friday, November 17, 2023 from 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST

Laura K Stein, MD, MPH
Nima Aghaebrahim
Thabele Leslie-Mazwi, MD

Debates & Speakers

  • Are Adjunctive Lytics Dead
    • Pat Lyden, MD – Pro
      Jim Siegler - Con
  • Asymptomatic Carotid Stenting
    • Daniel Vela-Duarte, MD, MSCR – Pro
    • Haris Kamal, MD – Con
  • ICAD: Emergent Stenting
    • Charles Beaman, MD, PhD - Pro
    • Shadi Yaghi, MD - Con
  • Mobile Stroke Unit: Here to Stay
    • Alex Czap, MD – Pro
    • Mouhammad Jumaa, MD, FSVIN - Con

252 - SVIN - Nightmares Summit

Session Date and Time: Friday, November 17, 2023 from 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST

Keiko Fukuda
Boris Pabon
Mario Galdamez

Robin Novakovic - "The Nightmares Classification - Classification of NeuroEndovascular Surgery Complications, Classi-NES Scale"
Tareq Kass-Hout - "Complication Case #2"
Krishna Amuluru - "Complication Case #3"
Gurmeen Kaur - "Complication Case #4"
Priyank Kandewal - "Complication Case #5"
Michael Froehler - "Complication Case #6"

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262 - SVINnovation Beyond Pathophysiology: Transcend the Disease

Session Date and Time: Friday, November 17, 2023 from 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. EST

Thanh Nguyen, MD, FSVIN
Sauson Soldozy, MD
Vivek Reddy

Italo Linfante, MD, FSVIN - "Neuroprotection and Collateral Flow Augmentation in Acute Stroke"
Ethan Winkler, MD, PhD - "AVM Aneurysm Endovascular Biopsy"
Ali Alaraj, MD - “Innovation in AVM pathophysiology VWI Venous Outflow”
Jane Khalife, MD, MS - "Intraarterial Bevacizumab Administration Through the Middle Meningeal Artery for Chronic Subdural Hematoma"
Satoshi Tateshima, MD - “Intracranial interventions and Cognition”
Adel Malek - "Pseudotumor Cerebri : A New Frontier of Neuroendovascular Surgery"
Yashar Kalani, MD - "Intraarterial Transplantation of Mitochondria after Ischemic Stroke Reduces Cerebral Infarction"

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