Education FAQs

Do I have to be a member of SVIN to take the online education courses?

You do not need to be a member of SVIN to complete any of our education courses.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

If you have education related inquires please email

How do I know which course is right for me?

Head over here to learn more about which course is the best fit for you. 

How many CE hours will I receive?

BSES offers 1.5 CE hours
ASES EMS offers 2.5 CE hours
ASES ED offers 2.5 CE hours

Can I combine a live or bulk course with another institution?

Yes, you can combine a course contract with another institution or hospital. Please reach out to in order to learn more. 

I no longer wish to take the course I bought, can I get a refund?

This will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to to request a refund.  

How many times can I take the test to receive my CE hours?

You can take the exam on any of our courses as many times as you want. 

What score do I need to pass the exam?

You will need an 80% or above to pass the exam.

Where do I register for the course?

Please view our education page here where you can learn more about how to register as a SVIN member. If you are not a SVIN member feel free to go directly here

Am I eligible for World Bank A or World Bank B pricing?

Click here to view information regarding World Bank A and World Bank B pricing.

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