SVIN Registry: Enroll & Engage

The SVIN Registry

Welcome to the SVIN Registry. The SVIN Registry was created due to the perceived need for an independent and high-quality surveillance system to assess the real-world clinical characteristics, procedural variables, and outcomes of patients with large vessel occlusion acute ischemic strokes (LVOS). Additionally, it was designed to provide a useful tool for hospitals to analyze, report, and improve the quality of patient care at a local level.

Below you can find a description of the necessary steps for site activation and information regarding the project progress. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further discussions or clarifications.

Cumulative Enrollment

Monthly Enrollment

Requirements for Activation/Site Functionality:

  • Identification/Designation of a Physician Representative and a Data Abstractor.
  • Local IRB project approval.
  • Installation of SVIN Registry data dictionary at the local REDCap.
  • Development of a data-user agreement with the data coordinating center.

Data Entry/Systematic Quality Checks:

The SVIN Registry platform utilizes REDCap, a browser-based, meta-driven electronic-data capture software for designing and maintaining a research database. Sites prospectively deposit data locally into REDCap. Data is systematically exported and checked for quality, centrally, by the data coordinating center. The SVIN Registry encompasses collection of mandatory and optional variables as part of a very detailed database.

Previously-Existing Local Database?

The SVIN and the SVIN Registry may be able to support re-coding of your previously existing database to match the data vocabulary utilized by the SVIN Registry REDCap project (allowing for data merge).

Available Documents:

  1. Full Clinical Research Form (CRF)
  2. Color-coded Full CRF (mandatory variables: green / optional variables: yellow)
  3. SVIN Registry Bylaws
  4. Authorship Criteria
  5. Project Proposal Form

Contact for any inquiries:

SVIN Registry Graphs

Cumulative Enrollment
Enrollment Per Month
Total Enrollments

Total Enrollment

Total Enrollment by Institution


SVIN Mechanical Thrombectomy Registry: Methods and Primary Results

Structural Analysis of Aspiration Catheters and Procedural Outcomes: An Analysis of the SVIN Registry - Dolia JN, Mohammaden MH, Tarek MA, Damiani M, Grossberg JA, Pabaney A, Frankel M, Jillella DV, Hassan AE, Tekle WG, et al. Structural analysis of aspiration catheters and procedural outcomes: An analysis of the SVIN Registry. Stroke Vasc. Interv. Neurol. 2024;4:e001214.

SVIN Mechanical Thrombectomy Registry: Outcomes in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and COVID‐Hassan AE, Tekle WG, Desai SK, Haussen DC, Mohammaden M, Nogueira RG, Sheth SA, Salazar‐Marioni S, Czap A, Linfante I, et al. The Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN) Mechanical Thrombectomy Registry: Outcomes in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and COVID‐19. Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology. 2023;3:e000329.19

Rescue Therapy for Failed Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke Rodriguez-Calienes A, Siddiqui FM, Galecio-Castillo M, Mohammaden MH, Dolia JN, Grossberg JA, Pabaney A, Hassan AE, Tekle WG, Saei H, et al. Rescue therapy for failed mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke: A pooled analysis of the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology Registry. Ann. Neurol. 2024;96:343–355.

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