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November 16-19

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Thursday, November 17

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Time Activity
7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Registration Hours
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM SVIN Games - Opening Wellness Event
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Breakfast with Exhibitors
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Exhibit Hall Open
8:15 AM - 8:45 AM Industry Talk: MicroVention
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM Opening General Session General Session Activity

Intra-arterial Lytics for LVO (Debate 1) 

Pro: Johannes Kaesmacher
Con: Marc Ribo
Session Moderator: Francesco Diana

Business Meeting/Presidential Address/Awards
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Industry Talk: Penumbra
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Industry Talk: Stryker
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Industry Talk: Medtronic
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch & Presentations Talk Titles Speakers
Stroke Interventional Laboratory Consensus (SILC) Osama "Sam" Zaidat
Panel Discussion on NeuroEndovascular Accreditation

Johanna Fifi
Camilo Gomez

Nazli Janjua

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Breakout Sessions Talk Titles Speakers
The Future of NeuroIR is Electric: Neuromodulation and Brain Computer Interfaces Endovascular Electrical Recording: The Future is Here Tom Oxley
Minimally Invasive Neuromodulation: Enabling Treatments to More Disorders Jacob Robinson
Discovery in Stroke: from Concept to Clinical Trial Shahid Nimjee
Concept to Commercialization: Perspectives from a Serial Entrepreneur Dave Ferrera
Session Moderators Oscar Bolanos and Sunil Sheth
NeuroAnatomy: The External Carotid and Ophthalmic Arterial Systems Extracranial–Intracranial Carotid Artery Anastomoses  Ananth Vellimana
Embolization of Extracranial Head and Neck Vascular Malformations Satoshi Tateshima
The Ophthalmic Arterial System Eytan Raz
Alternative Routes for Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy for Retinoblastoma Stavropoula Tjoumakaris
Session Moderators Ashutosh Jadhav, Diogo Haussen, and Michael Nahhas
The Nuts and Bolts of Virtual Neurologic Care A Practical Guide to Setting up Telestroke and Teleneurology Networks Alicia Zha
Equity and Overcoming Inequity in Telestroke Jenny Majersik
Leveraging Innovation to Optimize Care in a Telestroke Network Nicholas Bianchi
Enhancing Performance through Education, Quality, and Research Shlee Song
Session Moderators Amanda Jagolino and Brendan Eby
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Breakout Sessions Talk Titles Speakers
Advanced Endovascular Techniques: Intrasaccular Aneurysm Treatments Shot selection: Pre- and post-procedural decision making Edgar Samaniego
Bailouts: Procedural complications and how to get out of trouble Josser Delgado
Retreatment of early or late aneurysm recanalization Violiza Inoa
Session Moderator Bill Mack and Conrad Liang
Primary and Secondary Prevention of Stroke  Anticoagulation: Need Prediction, Imaging Suspicion and Agent Selection  Anne  Alexandrov
Sleep Disorder Breathing: What's Known, What Should be Done Victoria  Swatzell
Smoking: Methods to Support Smoking Cessation Rhonda  Finnie
Estrogen Replacement and Stroke Nicole  Schumacher
Session Moderator Alicia Richardson
Machine Learning and Neurovascular Disease Machine Learning in the Neurovascular Space: Basic Concepts and Overview Fabien Scalzo
Machine Learning for Clinical Use: Product Development, Regulation and Marketing – Implications for the Clinician Greg Albers
Machine Learning: Disease-based Clinical Implications and Applications Oana Dumitrascu
Machine Learning: Improving Patient Triage and Clinical Outcomes  Maarten Lansberg
Session Moderators Alicia Castonguay, Ameer Hassan, and Gabor Toth
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Networking Social & Poster Sessions in the Exhibit Hall
5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

Members in Training (MIT) Reception
Sponsored by CERENOVUS

6:15 PM - 7:45 PM

WIN Reception
Sponsored by Stryker

Panelists: Johanna Fifi, Nicole Gonzales, Violiza Inoa, Nancy Jafari, Cynthia Kenmuir, Thanh Nguyen, Robin Novakovic-White, and Alicia Zha Moderators: Preethi Ramchand, and Meghana Srinvas



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