2024 ANNUAL MEETING - Call for Sessions

November 20-22, 2024

As we look forward to the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN) 2024 Annual Meeting, we invite you to submit your exciting and novel ideas for session topics, debates, and speakers. Tell us what you want to see at our next meeting!

Call for Sessions is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who submitted session proposals for the 2024 Annual Meeting!

Deadline to submit was February 29, 2024 23:59 CST.

All program suggestions are thoroughly reviewed by the Annual Meeting Program Committee and submitted ideas are often merged into one session. Final selections are at the discretion of the Annual Meeting Program Committee.

Questions? Please contact:
Shea Sawyer, SVIN Event Coordinator at shea.sawyer@svin.com

1601 Utica Ave S, Suite 213 | Minneapolis, MN 55416 | 651-265-7843 | info@svin.org
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