Mission Thrombectomy: RES-Q Global Partnership to Enhance Stroke Treatment

Posted: 04/20/2023

SVIN Mission Thrombectomy: Global Access to Stroke Care Partners With RES-Q Global to Enhance Stroke Treatment

The Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology’s Mission Thrombectomy: Global Access for Stroke Treatment initiative (SVIN Mission Thrombectomy) is proud to announce a collaborative partnership with Registry of Stroke Care Quality (RES-Q) Global, a Health Management Institute based in the Czech Republic. This partnership, represented by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), is focused on improving the quality of stroke care globally.

The SVIN Mission Thrombectomy committee supports SVIN’s mission by striving to increase the number of patients receiving mechanical thrombectomy and stroke treatment worldwide. The partnership with RES-Q Global will provide opportunities to reduce death and disability from stroke and advance best practices in stroke systems of care by collecting data and providing feedback to the hospitals along with benchmarking at a country level.

SVIN Mission Thrombectomy will have a seat on the RES-Q Global Scientific Committee, allowing for collaboration and the sharing of information and data related to thrombectomy studies.

RES-Q Global operates the global registry of stroke care quality and is supported by leading organizations such as the European Stroke Organization, American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association, and the World Stroke Organization.

SVIN Mission Thrombectomy will work alongside RES-Q Global to promote the use of RES-Q as the main international registry for stroke care quality and to provide education and training. Together, the organizations will disseminate evidence-based information and implement best practices in stroke systems of care. We encourage all hospitals to collect March patient discharge data in RESQ, to create global evidence, not only for thrombectomy but the entire field of stroke care.

This partnership is expected to bring about a significant positive impact on stroke care worldwide and ultimately improve patient outcomes. SVIN Mission Thrombectomy is thrilled to be a part of this endeavor and looks forward to a successful collaboration with RES-Q Global.

For more information contact the SVIN Executive Office at info@svin.org or (202) 367-1143.

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